Material Testing Laboratory

The material testing laboratory deals with sampling of materials and carrying out quality tests on lateritic materials, aggregates, concrete mixes, steel, petroleum products and bituminous materials

1. Soil Sampling and Tests

Soil materials are taken from the Field and brought to the laboratory for test to determine the material suitability for a specific job purpose.

Grain size analysis

This method describes a procedure for the quantitative determination of the distribution of particle sizes in soils.

Liquid & plastic limit tests

These are used to calculate the plasticity index of the soil, which is the measure of the sensitivity of the soil to changes in its moisture content

Soil compaction test

It is soil moisture-density relationship tests that establish maximum dry density and the optimum water content for soil samples.

California bearing ration (CBR) test

The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is a measure of resistance of a material to penetration of standard plunger under controlled density and moisture conditions.

Insitu density test

This test is conducted at the field to check the density of soil to ensure the proper compaction of the soil.